Things To Do Locally
Spartans are encouraged to explore MSU’s host community of East Lansing, as well as the surrounding Greater Lansing Area.
Discover Greater Lansing
Downtown East Lansing
East Lansing is overall a safe place, but if you are not aware of your surroundings, you might put yourself at risk! When walking off-campus late at night, remember these tips:
Don’t walk by yourself
Walk in well-lit areas
Stay alert and aware of your surroundings
Stay off of your phone, but have it on you in case of emergency
Greater Lansing Area
ASMSU Safe Ride Program: Safe Ride is a late night transportation service provided to members of the Michigan State University community as a safe and free alternative to walking home alone after dark. University Safe Ride programs are proven to reduce assault-related dangers and drunk driving both on and off campus.
Schedule a ride by downloading the SafeMSU App
Please be prepared for wait times that can exceed 30-45 minutes due to rider demand
MSU Night Owl: Offered through CATA bus services for the cost of 60 cents per ride.
Schedule a ride by calling 517-432-8888 (2.8888 from campus phones)
A small bus will arrive within 20 minutes
Meridian Township
Follow the rideshare vehicle GPS
Confirm the vehicle description and verbally confirm the driver’s name before getting into the vehicle
Do not ride in the front seat
Do not share your cell phone information
If you feel unsafe or that something is not right, leave the vehicle and call the police.
Discover MSU
Welcome to Michigan State University Now that you are a Spartan, you probably want to learn more about all that your new school offers. Thankfully, there are so many things to discover and ways to get involved at MSU. Click on the categories below to find a few of our favorite websites and resources. Go Green!