General Noise

East Lansing prohibits noise which may disturb neighbors. Examples are stereos played at loud levels and inappropriate shouting at any time. After 11 p.m., the noise violation will be written as a misdemeanor offense.

If a police officer determines your noise is too loud, a violation can be issued and may constitute a $500 fine.

Party Noise

If a police officer determines the noise from your party is unreasonable, a citation can be issued. You may be fined $1,000 per person for the first offense. It may constitute a misdemeanor offense if convicted.

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Enhanced Noise

The noise ordinance has enhanced penalty under the Nuisance Parties Ordinance, which is intended to address negative impacts of large parties that involve trash and litter, loud noise, parking violations and fighting. If your social gathering involves previously said negative impacts, you may face misdemeanor charges.

The enhanced penalty can be triggered if there are more than 50 people present with at least two of these factors:

  1. A common source of alcohol used to serve the guests, such as a keg;

  2. A live band, disc jockey, or other live entertainment;

  3. A charge to enter the residence, to consume alcohol, or purchase a cup;

  4. Amplified sound emanating from speakers placed or directed outside of the building; and

  5. Outdoor drinking games where alcohol is involved.

A conviction can involve up to a $500 fine and 72 community service hours. You may also be liable for the costs of cleanup, repairs, and staff overtime.